We Provide Best Services


Free access to books: using a Digital Library Card- automation of all services

Virtual Library

Digital library: online books, research content, instructional materials for trainers .


Free motivation talks: from local & international role models.

Extra Curricular Learning

Auditorium for visual learning Indoor games arena: children bookwork challenges, indoor games for youths. .

Inter-Schools Activities

Creative arts sessions with schools. School leavers seminars: prepare them for transition


Scholarship to best performing library users .

Our Goal


Maktaba Mashinani Foundation’s main goal is to improve basic literacy skills of rural children and the youth in all Counties in Kenya. This is by providing learning and recreational materials and facilities through building, equipping and managing of modern rural libraries enabled by close participation and partnership with rural schools and rural communities of Kenya. MMF’s goal is inspired by and supports United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. 

mmf donate
We are pro

Extracurricular learning

Motivational, Seminars and Mentorship Programs

Indoors Games Arena

A Visual Learning Auditorium

Community Engaging Activities